BURN in The Bassment Club

BURN in The Bassment Club

The BURN in The Bassment Club is continual vertical worship/prayer evening. Our hearts are to meet with The Father and abiding in His presence. We welcome community worship teams, individual worshippers to join us for a set.

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Touching the Heart of God: Embracing Worship through the Arts. Postponed Event Rescheduled in 2021
to Jan 12

Touching the Heart of God: Embracing Worship through the Arts. Postponed Event Rescheduled in 2021

Touching the Heart of God: Embracing Worship through the Arts – North Wilkesboro, NC


Talia Bassment

809 Main St.
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659

Much more than a conference, this is a weekend of encounter set aside to encourage creatives of all types in expressing their gifting in worship!

There is no doubt that the arts are seated in the heart of God. Throughout the Scripture, they are used to express Kingdom realities that pierce the soul and spirit of the ones who are privileged to create and those who experience what has been created. God is calling a generation of prophetic artists to help usher in His glory!

Through teaching, reflection, group exercises and creating various forms of art, we will explore these topics:

* Worship and the Arts – Exploring New Horizons
* Ushering in the Presence of God
* Being Grounded in our Identity and Purpose as God’s Artisans
* Art as a Spiritual Kingdom Force

Artists (including beginners!) of all types are welcome – painters, sculptors, poets, songwriters, dancers/movers, photographers, writers, filmmakers, potters…all are welcome! Come ready with whatever resources you use to create your art.

Register info@imagesoflight.us

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Gingerbread Festival
to Nov 22

Gingerbread Festival


Wilkes Literacy Gingerbread House Festival

Talia Bassment Club

Wilkes Literacy Gingerbread House Festiva


Nov 19 at 4 PM EST – Nov 22 at 8 PM EST

Talia Bassment Club

Public · Hosted by Wilkes Literacy Gingerbread House Festival and Wilkes Literacy



Wilkes Literacy is pleased to announce the 2020 Gingerbread House Festival, a celebration of the holiday season. The Gingerbread House Festival will be a family event where visitors will have the opportunity to walk through and view the creative gingerbread houses from local contributors. Each gingerbread house will reflect the personality and style of Wilkes and all that makes our county a great place to live. 

Wilkes Literacy’s 2020 Gingerbread House Festival will be hosted by Talia Espresso in downtown North Wilkesboro. From November 19 through November 22, Talia’s downstairs “Bassment” will be transformed into a Christmas gingerbread wonderland.

Visit https://www.wilkesliteracy.org/gingerbread for more details and information about how we are planning in light of COVID-19.

Wilkes Literacy is a nonprofit organization that has been providing literacy support in Wilkes County for over 30 years. Our agency provides one-on-one tutoring for adults to achieve their literacy goals. Wilkes Literacy’s health literacy program is for anyone at any reading level, and helps adults with the skills they need to make informed choices about their health care. Wilkes Literacy’s summer literacy program for children (SEEK) reaches children in their neighborhood to bridge the gap with summer reading loss. Wilkes Literacy is a United Way of Wilkes partner agency and recipient of a Healthy Futures grant from The Health Foundation

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TENT America In Bassment
to Aug 22

TENT America In Bassment

Awaken the Dawn ́s Tent America 2020

What and Where?

Awaken The Dawn is a grassroots movement of day and night worship, prayer and gospel proclamation. More than events, we are a nationwide family with the shared value of hosting the presence of God in such a way that will lead to a great awakening in America and the nations.

Tent America 2020 is a 100-Day procession of night and day worship and prayer taking place June 20th-September 28th. 10 regions will each cover 10 days during the 100 days. Together we can give Jesus a 2400 hour love song of continual worship!

North Carolina is in Region 8 and our timeframe is August 19-29. In Wilkes County and the surrounding area. Our TENT will be in The Bassment August 21 @5pm. until Midnight We are looking for ministries and churches who will partner with us to host and staff several hours of continuous worship and prayer focused on loving Jesus and asking God for spiritual awakening during those 10 days. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the churches in this area worked together and covered 240 hours of worship and prayer for the region!


First and foremost, we are a first love movement. We have the very specific focus of loving on Jesus. We worship Him because he is worthy. Period. We are not protesting anything, or promoting any social or political viewpoint. We are simply seeking to give Jesus the love and honor that He is due.

Secondly, we are asking for an spiritual awakening in our cities, our state and our nation. We are meeting to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, repent and ask God to heal our land. (1 Chron 7:14) Our weapons are prayer and worship. As we lift Jesus high in worship, He comes in to fight the battle. (2 Chron 20)

Finally, this is not a new strategy. David (a man after God’s own heart) set up a tent of worship and paid the budget for 4,288 musicians and singers to minister to the Lord day and night for 33 years of His reign in Jerusalem. (1Chr. 23:5; 25:7) And in Revelation we see them worshipping before the throne day and night for eternity (Rev 5, 7, 8). Let’s join with heaven and worship Him here and now!

COVID-19 Update

Covid-19 has cancelled a lot, but Tent America 2020 is still on! We're asking that all Tent America events abide by state and local regulations in regard to Covid-19. But this year we are allowing

participation from homes, churches, and other locations. Whether in tents, living rooms with our families, in church buildings, or virtually online, we will be worshipping and praying.


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UPDATE Talia Espresso News!!
to Apr 30

UPDATE Talia Espresso News!!

Hello Talia Espresso Family! Currently we are evaluating all hours at all locations. We will do our best to keep you updated through all sources of media.

Deliver will begin Monday March 30th from 11-3pm. Minimum orders of $25.00 w/$5.00 delivery charge within a 15 mile radius of our Main Street location.

At the time being Talia Espresso Cafe in WCC is closed.

Talia Espresso Main St. Mon- Sat. 7-4pm.

Talia Espresso Drive Thru. Mon- Sat 6-8pm & Sunday 9-8pm

Talia Espresso Boone 10-4.

Follow us on Facebook , instagram and Google.

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BURN 24/7

BURN 24/7

Hello BURN family!

Our upcoming BURN will be March 13 Friday. We meet the 2nd Friday of every month.

If you are a new team or are interested in bringing a team of worshippers, I would like to meet you and your team to introduce the BURN values and purpose of this particular BURN in North Wilkesboro NC.

I would also take the time to WELCOME many new guests to this page and do a brief intro. Of the 

BURN community. 

We are a love movement. Psalm 27:4, Luke 10:27

This is the presence centered lifestyle where everything the believer is and does is founded in an intimate relationship with God. 

The Value of Vertical Worship & the Restoration of the Tabernacle of David. Amos 9:11-12

We endeavor to prioritize God as the focal point in worship rather than the people. Our worship is God centered, and Holy Spirit inspired. 

We are a culture of honor and unity. 

We honor fathers and mother. Exodus 20:12, Psalm 133. There are generations that have gone before us and done the heavy lifting. We are a movement obsessed with receiving the blessing of spiritual moms and dads. We need the zeal of the young mixed with the wisdom of the old. We have multi- generational expression of the heart of God. We are pro-local church, pro-unity. 

We are dreamers filled with radical hope & optimism Romans 15:15

We have the hope in Jesus being so beautiful that He can do anything and everything. We believe that all things are possible with Him. We are people that live from heaven to earth and not from earth to heaven. 

We value a Biblical kingdom theology.

We love the Bible A LOT. We teach and pray the Bible. We are lovers of His word.

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