Awaken the Dawn ́s Tent America 2020
What and Where?
Awaken The Dawn is a grassroots movement of day and night worship, prayer and gospel proclamation. More than events, we are a nationwide family with the shared value of hosting the presence of God in such a way that will lead to a great awakening in America and the nations.
Tent America 2020 is a 100-Day procession of night and day worship and prayer taking place June 20th-September 28th. 10 regions will each cover 10 days during the 100 days. Together we can give Jesus a 2400 hour love song of continual worship!
North Carolina is in Region 8 and our timeframe is August 19-29. In Wilkes County and the surrounding area. Our TENT will be in The Bassment August 21 @5pm. until Midnight We are looking for ministries and churches who will partner with us to host and staff several hours of continuous worship and prayer focused on loving Jesus and asking God for spiritual awakening during those 10 days. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the churches in this area worked together and covered 240 hours of worship and prayer for the region!
First and foremost, we are a first love movement. We have the very specific focus of loving on Jesus. We worship Him because he is worthy. Period. We are not protesting anything, or promoting any social or political viewpoint. We are simply seeking to give Jesus the love and honor that He is due.
Secondly, we are asking for an spiritual awakening in our cities, our state and our nation. We are meeting to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, repent and ask God to heal our land. (1 Chron 7:14) Our weapons are prayer and worship. As we lift Jesus high in worship, He comes in to fight the battle. (2 Chron 20)
Finally, this is not a new strategy. David (a man after God’s own heart) set up a tent of worship and paid the budget for 4,288 musicians and singers to minister to the Lord day and night for 33 years of His reign in Jerusalem. (1Chr. 23:5; 25:7) And in Revelation we see them worshipping before the throne day and night for eternity (Rev 5, 7, 8). Let’s join with heaven and worship Him here and now!
COVID-19 Update
Covid-19 has cancelled a lot, but Tent America 2020 is still on! We're asking that all Tent America events abide by state and local regulations in regard to Covid-19. But this year we are allowing
participation from homes, churches, and other locations. Whether in tents, living rooms with our families, in church buildings, or virtually online, we will be worshipping and praying.